Deploying and Removing Apps

Learn how to install and remove apps from your headsets using Device Manager.

To deploy an app to your Oculus for Business headset:

  1. From Device Manager, click Device Fleet.

  2. Click the headset or group of headsets you want to deploy an app to, then click Apps.

  3. Click Add, then select the app you want to deploy from the drop-down menu.

  4. Click Add App.

To troubleshoot app deployment, try these steps:

  1. Reboot the headset to initiate a sync with Device Manager and the app should begin to download.

  2. Check the headset periodically while the app finishes downloading. The time to download can depend on the size and Internet speed. If there are still no signs of the app, reboot the headset again. This should begin the installation of the app if they have finished downloading.

  3. Confirm that the app has been downloaded and installed on your headset.

This feature requires v23.

You can check the installation status for all apps from your App Library.

To check app status:

  1. From Device Manager, click Apps.

  2. Under Installations, hover over the app you want to check the installation status for and Progress Overview will appear.

From here, you can see the number of headsets the app has been deployed to, and the status of those installations. You can click View Details to view the specific app status for each individual headset

Possible app installation statuses are as follows:

  • Installed: The app has successfully been installed.

  • Installing: The app is currently being installed.

  • Unknown: These headsets are not communicating with Device Manager, so the installation status is unknown. Please make sure that each device is plugged in, powered on and connected to Wi-Fi, then try again.

  • Failed: The app couldn't be installed on some devices due to file size, poor Wi-Fi signal or another error.

To remove an app from Device Manager:

  1. From Device Manager, click Apps.

  2. Click next to the app you want to remove, then click Delete.

  3. Click Delete App.

Removing an app from Device Manager will uninstall it from all devices and remove it from your App Library.

To remove an app from a headset or group of headsets:

  1. From Device Manager, click Device Fleet.

  2. Click the headset or group of headsets you want to remove an app from, then click Apps.

  3. Click next to the app you want to remove, then click Delete.

  4. Click Uninstall App from the prompt.

Once the headsets has synced with Device Manager, the app will be removed. If this sync doesn't happen automatically, restarting the headset may help.

Bear in mind that if you remove an app that is set to be used in Kiosk Mode, you'll need to set up a new Kiosk Mode app for any headsets that were affected.

Business Channel Apps

Learn how to send, receive and manage apps through Business Channels.

This feature requires v23.

You must be an Oculus independent software vendor (ISV) to have access to Business Channels on Oculus for Business. To become an ISV, apply here:

If you're an Oculus ISV and you don't have access to Business Channels, please contact the Partnership team at

This feature requires v23.

To accept a Business Channel app invitation in Device Manager:

  1. From Device Manager, click Apps.

  2. Click App Invitations in the left menu.

  3. Click Add to App Library next to the app you want to accept an invitation for.

  4. Review the information in the You're Adding a New App prompt, then click Add to App Library.

The app will now appear in your App Library.

This feature requires v23.

To turn off automatic updates for Business Channel apps:

  1. From Device Manager, click Apps.

  2. Click next to the Business Channel app you want to turn off automatic updates for, then click Turn Off Auto-updates.

  3. Review the information in the Turn off automatic updates? prompt, then click Turn Off Auto-updates.

This feature requires v23.

To migrate an app from self-hosted distribution to a Business Channel:

  1. Ensure that all affected headsets are updated to v23.

  2. Delete the self-hosted app from all affected headsets.

  3. Delete the self-hosted app from your App Library in Device Manager.

  4. Accept the app invitation from the Business Channel.

  5. Deploy the app to affected headsets.

This feature requires v23.

For help with sending apps via a Business Channel, take a look at our Oculus for Business Developer Docs.

Self-hosted Apps

Learn how to install and manage self-hosted apps once you've deployed them to the headsets in your fleet.

To add a self-hosted app to your Device Manager:

  1. Upload the app to a cloud storage location of your choice.

  2. Copy the URL of the app you want to upload to Device Manager.

  3. Test the app URL link in a separate browser tab to make sure that the link automatically starts downloading the app.

    • URL redirects aren't supported and the headset won't be able to download apps. Test your URLs in Chrome or Safari for automatic download.

  4. From Device Manager, click Apps, then click Add App.

  5. Enter a name for your app under App Name, then enter the URL for the app under App Binary.

  6. Click Create. The app should now appear in the App Library.

    Bear in mind that the file size limits for apps are as follows:

    • Maximum APK size: 1 GB.

    • Maximum OBB size: 4 GB (1 file supported with multiple assets).

    • Maximum size of a single asset: 2 GB.

    Apps can be hosted on any URI. Certain locations may require advanced settings such as HTTP headers for access.

    Bear in mind that the URI link must initiate a direct download. This is required by the headset to download and install applications.

    Resource files, known as opaque binary blobs or OBBs, allow you to deploy additional content files with your self-hosted apps. This might include a video file or asset that is used by your app.

    To add a resource file, or OBB, to your self-hosted app:

    1. Copy the URI of the OBB file from your cloud storage account.

    2. From Device Manager, click Apps.

    3. Click next to the app you want to add an OBB to.

    4. Click Edit.

    5. Click the switch to turn Advanced Configurations on.

    6. Click Add Resource File and fill in the listed fields.

      • The file name must be the name of the OBB file. File names and URLs ending with .obb must be used. Spaces aren't accepted.

    7. Make sure that Application OBB Path is selected from the drop-down menu.

    8. Click Add resource file.

    9. Click Update to finalise the app information.

    Bear in mind that the file size limits for apps are as follows:

    • Maximum APK size: 1 GB.

    • Maximum OBB size: 4 GB (1 file supported with multiple assets).

    • Maximum size of a single asset: 2 GB.

    Hashes are used to increase security between your app and the headset. They make sure that the same file being hosted on a server matches the one that's been deployed to a headset. If the hashes don't match, the app won't be deployed.

    To add a hash to an existing self-hosted app:

    1. Find the SHA-256 hash of the APK you're deploying using a hash application. Copy the hash from the app download or link.

    2. From Oculus for Business Device Manager, click Apps.

    3. Click next to the app you want to add a hash to, then click Edit.

    4. Paste the copied hash in the Hash section, then click Update.

    Through Device Manager, you can update the versions of your self-hosted apps to the headsets you've deployed. This would normally be carried out when the app has experienced a change.

    To update a self-hosted app:

    1. From Device Manager, click Apps.

    2. Click next to the app you want to update, then click Update.

    3. Under App Name, update the name of the app to reflect the newest version.

    4. Under Link to App File, enter the link to the updated app.

    5. Once finished, click Update App.

    Note: Updating will apply an update immediately and may disrupt headsets in use.

    To edit self-hosted app info and details:

    1. From Device Manager, click Apps.

    2. Click next to the app you want to edit, then click Edit.

    3. Make any desired changes, then once you've finished, click Update.